Social Commitment
egeplast is socially committed by active volunteer work in committees and by contributions and donations, among others to:
egeplast donates for the Ukraine crisis
As a family business, we are stunned and saddened by the current situation in Ukraine. Due to the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, a humanitarian catastrophe is happening before our eyes. Many innocent people are in need of support and donations.
We would like to help and have decided to donate an amount of 20,000 euros to the Action Alliance for Disaster Relief to support humanitarian and medical care on the ground.
Our thoughts are with the victims of the war and we thank all helpers for their tireless efforts!Cornea Bank of the university hospital Münster
As a family business, the health of the people in our region is close to our hearts. In times of the Covid pandemic, egeplast would therefore like to thank the health sector for its outstanding services and supports the UKM in the expansion of the cornea bank. Prof. Dr. Nicole Eter, Director of the University Eye Hospital, is pleased about the “valuable support to make further corneal collections possible and thus save eyesight”. Injury, disease
or inflammation of the cornea can lead to severe vision loss or blindness. In such cases, a corneal transplant can help restore vision.
Further information about the cornea bank of the UKM can be found here:
New premature infant ward at St. Franziskus Hospital in Münster
egeplast supports the St. Franziskus-Hospital in Münster with a donation for the reconstruction of the intensive care unit for premature infants and sick newborns. PD Dr. Michael Böswald, Chief Physician of the Clinic for General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, expressed his sincere thanks for the renewed donation for ‘Mehr Raum für Nähe’.
For more information on St. Franziskus Hospital in Münster, click here:
New palliative care unit at Herz-Jesu Hospital Münster-Hiltrup
egeplast supports the Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus Münster-Hiltrup (HJK) with a donation for the new building of the palliative care unit. The new building will meet the spatial needs of palliative patients, but also of the nursing staff, many times over and expand the bed capacity to ten. With thanks and joy HJK managing director Tim Richwien, Dr. Wolfgang Clasen, chief physician for internal medicine and palliative medicine, care specialist Elke Bertels-Janett and Dr. Ulrich Mueller, chairman of the HJK promotion association accepted the donation.
Further information about Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus in Münster Hiltrup can be found here:
Doctors without borders
Providing access to medical aid in countries where people’s survival is threatened by conflicts, epidemics or natural disasters. This is the mission to which Médecins Sans Frontières is dedicated. In addition to providing medical care through surgical interventions, vaccination campaigns and the fight against epidemics, this organization is also committed to providing access to clean drinking water, food, shelter or general relief supplies.
For more info on Doctors Without Borders, click here: https://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.deNeven-Subotic-Foundation
The foundation, which was founded on November 16, 2012 by the professional soccer player Neven Subotic, is committed to giving as many people as possible access to clean water and thus to a self-determined life with health and education. With numerous donations, more than 170 projects have already been realized.
Further information about the Neven Subotic Foundation is available here: Knochenmarktransplantation Münster
Stiftung St. Josef Emsdetten
Förderverein Lernwerkstatt 4.0 am Berufskolleg Rheine
Wirtschaftliche Gesellschaft für Westfalen und Lippe
Rotary Gemeindienst
Fire department Greven
Fire department Emsdetten
Universitätsgesellschaft Münster
DRK Kreisverband Münster
Association for the Promotion of the Institute for Plastics Processing in Industry and Trade at RWTH Aachen University
Förderfonds Studium und Lehre an der Universität zu Köln
Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Klavier-Festival Ruhr
Münsterland Digital
BeLu Ugandahilfe