Welding training at Extena: Successful new collaboration with Henrik Carlsson (SWECO Sweden) and NPG (The Nordic Plastic Pipe Association)
In January, Extena responded to the growing demand and interest in welding by bringing in Henrik Carlsson to lead several training sessions. Carlsson, who is a polyethylene expert specializing in PE materials and welding at the consulting firm SWECO, has many years of hands-on experience in welding PE pipes and is happy to share his expertise. “When the request for co-operation arrived, I accepted it directly. We have maintained a good and constructive contact for a long time and the training sessions were professionally planned and prepared. I assume that further joint projects will follow,” Carlsson concludes. The training in January was prompted by a request from the municipality of Skellefteå, which deemed having a training course close by, at Extena, quite appealing. All in all, eight participants, all of whom worked as plumbers and construction workers in technical water and wastewater operations in Skellefteå, received further training at the Extena factory. All participants were satisfied with the successful training, from which the participants returned home not only equipped with new knowledge, but also with a recognized certificate from the EWF (European Welding Federation).
Extena has become a member of NPG (The Nordic Plastic Pipe Association) this year and, in its own interest, has also decided to place more focus on trainings related to welding techniques and public specifications in the future. As Anders Mattsson, Product Manager Extena AB, stated, “Requirements around welding have been increasing steadily, which, among other things, shows us how important excellent pipe quality is, e. g. in the form of truly round pipes. With our training courses, we want to help our customers enhance their welding skills and always stay up-to-date.”
Tomas Nordin
Extena AB
egeplast Group
Email: Tomas.Nordin@extena.se
Tel.: +46 7052 33373