Monitored Transport Pipe to Ensure Drinking Water Protection in Lichtenfels
The author Michael Holhut is employed as a pipe network foreman at Stadtwerke Lichtenfels. This article was recently published in our egeNews.
For the Lichtenfels public utility company, supply and operational safety has absolute priority. When building a new drinking water pipeline through rough and difficult to-access terrain using no-dig and trenchless laying methods, they therefore opted in favour of the fully monitored egeplast SLM® DCS pipe system – for maximum safety
Project report: Laying of a drinking water pipeline with trenchless insertion
he new drinking water pipeline, which all in all is just under 3.8 km long, transports soft water for water mixture from Buch am Forst to Grub am Forst. In addition, it is used for substitutional supply in dry summer periods with high water consumption. The pipeline route runs through rough and difficult-to access terrain, through forests and next to service roads and crosses a number of roads. Against this background, in addition to open-trench installation, milling and horizontal drilling were also used, the latter even including rock bores. To protect their drinking water transport line, the Lichtenfels public utilities therefore opted in favour of the monitored SLM® DCS pipe system which provides surveillance of the functionality of drinking water transport pipelines during operation and is able to detect damages early on — even before leakages occur. The engineering firm Kittner und Weber was commissioned with the planning. In accordance with the intended use, the pipeline was delivered in long coiled bundles of 300 m in order to realise the respective benefits around installation and handling and to reduce the joints to a minimum. The construction of the pipeline was carried out by VSTR AG Rodewisch following comprehensive instructions about the systems by egeplast technicians. Michael Holhut from the public utilities in Lichtenfels commented: “We selected the SLM® DCS pipe system because the route is relatively long and difficult to access. Mere monitoring via input andoutput counters resulted in excessively long response times. This system enables us to locate any damage or leakage within a radius of one meter and thus to quickly repair the damage.
During the pipe insertion of the SLM® DCS piping system, egeplast made a video to illustrate the trenchless installation technique.
You can find the video in our egeplastube.
Project data for Lichtenfels
Project description
a monitored drinking water transport pipe in the supply area of the Lichtenfels public utilities
Continuous supply and operational safety; rough and difficultto-access terrain involving rock bores
Installation of a monitored SLM® DCS pipeline using no-dig and trenchless installation methods
Pipe System
3.780 m SLM® DCS, OD 125 mm in coils à 300 m
Parties involved in the project
Client: Stadtwerke Lichtenfels
Planner: Kittner & Weber Ingenieurbüro GmbH
Installer: VSTR AG Rodewisch
Are you currently facing a similar challenge and need a reliable solution for drinking water pipes? Contact us! We will be happy to give you advice.
Author contact details
Michael Holhut
Email: michael.holhut
Telefon: +49 9571 9552-19