ImPROVe: Next steps of the continuous improvement programme at egeplast
egeplast customers benefit from increased flexibility and capacity in manufacturing. After all, this allows for more short-term product availability while at the same time expanding the product portfolios. Thanks to ImPROVe, we will be able to fulfill future customer requirements even better and to increase delivery capability even further.
Over the last year, the ImPROVe activities have picked up speed, and in the meantime, egeplast has trained 42 employees to become Lean Advisors or Lean Engineers, which enabled egeplast to boost flexibility in manufacturing thanks to its initial workshops on improving work processes and SMED set-up times optimisation.
Short-term product availability
egeplast will not rest on these laurels. This year, the focus is on increasing flexibility to ensure short-term availability of products. For 2022, we have planned further measures related to staff qualification as well as workshops, along with foundational training for all egeplast employees.
We are currently compiling the contents of the training programmes in tutorials which will enable us to clarify the egeplast principles of operations towards newly recruited staff any time.
Focus on customers’ needs
Moreover, the expansion of the egeplast product portfolio and the scheduled capacity increases will require us to keep optimizing our manufacturing processes. Customers’ wishes and delivery capacity are important factors for egeplast which we focus on in the context of ImPROVe.
egeplast will navigate supply bottlenecks for prematerials by the optimal supply chain planning in order to tangibly reduce any negative impacts on customers.
Authors contact details
Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Ratzmann
Telefon: +49 2575 9710 219