Cost comparison at the touch of a button on
Compass for decision makers
The new Web Calculator finally provides transparency when selecting procedures for laying plastic pipelines. For the first time a program reveals within seconds which of two procedures is the most cost-effective and, like a compass, indicates the right direction for economic pipe installation. This tool has been developed by egeplast and provides those responsible for projects with a quick overview with detailed comparison of costs.
Simple operation
Installation lengths, diameters and installation depths are entered on the start page. Then the SDR for specific pipes can be stipulated, as can delivery forms and delivery lengths. The Web Calculator then calculates at lightning speed which of the two procedures under consideration is more efficient with respect to the costs it has previously estimated for the construction site. The user is also able to see in the clearly structured overview where the cost advantages of the respective procedure lie. The calculated projects can be saved and called up again at any time for further processing. It is possible to compare seven procedures with each other using the Web Calculator: open trench installation with and without sand bed, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), milling and ploughing procedures, pipe bursting and relining.
Positive feedback
?I have spent a great deal of time using the Web Calculator. Until now I have used the Premium Version for initial cost estimates for project planning. I can now say that the Web Calculator has exceeded my expectations by far?, states Peter Steinhauser, Technical Manager of Energieversorgung Selb-Marktredwitz GmbH.
The Web Calculator can be used free of charge by anybody at or at with immediate effect. Access is remarkably fast and available to everyone. Those interested simply need to register on the start page. They will be cleared to use the Basic Version quickly and can begin with their desired calculations. It also costs nothing to register for the Premium Version which also gives users the opportunity to vary parameters such as unit prices when taking local and regional influencing factors into consideration. Doris Pannwitz from the Web Calculator Project Team at egeplast helped to develop the program: ?We can see that the Web Calculator is a real aid to decision making for everyone involved in a project. The number of registrations is growing every day, and we welcome the positive feedback.?
egeplast is one of the leading manufacturers of PE pressure pipes in Europe. The product range covers the entire underground pipeline infrastructure: pipes for drinking water, wastewater, gas and data. egeplast is a specialist in the development and production of pipes with protective and test properties for trenchless installation.
link to the new egeplast webkalkulator in german language: